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Shamanic Breathwork September 16

Date: Sept 16th, 12:45 PM doors open. (1-6pm)
COST: $135 if paid by Aug 31st, $160 thereafter.
PLACE: Joy of Being 2385 Carlos St. Ste. A Moss Beach, CA 94038

Now more than ever we need emotional healing and stability. 

Love, so the Masters say, is a force of nature not only an emotion. It literally influences cellular and atomic behavior. The more loving we are, the more elevated our thoughts and emotions are the more power we have to generate a healthy body, life and world. It is simple, but it’s not easy. Mastering our thoughts and emotions is the key to loving ourselves and others. Moving towards mastery, not avoiding! We can not master thoughts and emotions by avoiding them. Breathwork gives us immediate access to our raw, authentic and pure emotions, paving the way for awareness, release and the emergence of Self Love.

Non-Ordinary States of consciousness have been used throughout time to commune with mystical awareness for the purpose of healing, teaching and transformation. Through the breathwork process, breathers are able to access and release old patterns and cellular memories that may be blocking personal and planetary growth. Once released from this unconscious material, people are enabled to engage more authentically, joyously and powerfully with life. 

Breathwork is a process that responds directly to the part of us that is wise and whole, it reminds us of and reconnects us to who we truly are. At the same time it helps us release aspects of ourselves that are no longer serving our highest potential nor the world’s. During the breathwork session facilitators assist breathers in their individual processes with sound, scent (oils and herbs), verbal coaching, and hands-on bodywork and energy work (when necessary and previously agreed upon).

This is a 'single breathe' event with all attendees breathing in the same session. Participants are invited to work with Medicine Cards or Oracles of your choice and to create a 'mandala' after completing your session. Following the Breathwork sessions we will sit in circle so you can share your experience and ask questions if you wish. 

New to Breathwork? If you are new to this type of Breathwork (deep, full, rapid and circular breathing), there is a required introduction to prepare you for the experience. You will need to attend both a 45 minute Teleconference (date and time to be determined) and a short demonstration prior to the Breathwork on Saturday. 

All participants will need to arrive by 12:45 PM to register. Arriving late is not an option so please be on time. Traffic can be a bear so please plan ahead to estimate travel time.

PRE-REGISTRATION is required for all participants. Call or email Todd Zimmerman to reserve your space today!, or (650) 387-2051. All other details will be provided at registration or by request.

Food: We will provide a light snack after the breathwork session. 

Facilitators and Assistants: Todd Zimmerman, Mark Takata, Ruby Monsen, Denise Miceli, and others. All facilitators have extensive experience in Breathwork of various types, body-work and personal growth modalities. We are all committed to serving people from the heart, to promote the emergence of Essence based living, personal and planetary shift and to the healing and transformation of our core challenges into allies and assets.